
much respect

 for the man who pulls off the everly brothers karaoke. 
(wasn't me)



cca textiles dept

feels good make things with tools older than you are.


my first thing i made on a loom!

i'm learning how to draw prints in this microsoft-paint-esque program called pointcarre 
and then turn those prints into things you can weave.

my first piece is an ugly bad joke, of course.


DIY idea

everyone should make themselves a "u mad bro" sweatshirt.


happy thanksgiving

i just moved into a new apartment without pots/pans but insisted on hosting thanksgiving anyway.

here's me eating queso directly out of the jar. 


lake day

fall tour poster

For my good friends Blank Range and Benjamin Booker.  
It's hard to make a poster that does either of these bands justice.


before 'n after

final metals class at CCA.
it's been way fun and way much harder than i thought.


saturday morning metals

all these lil silver and copper tubes will grow up to be rings!
(they probably won't all make it, sorry guys.)


the gift of fire

For ARGONAUT's first Christmas party, I hand engraved zippo lighters for everyone in the office. 
Engraving's really easy if you like imperfections. These were done using a $5 dremmel tool.

Bri Hand was my partner in crime (bottom one's her's).



madeline + erin

last days in new york spent with midwesterners.


"please don't put my ass on the internet" - bri hand


material goods

Three things I bought that gave me joy this week:
1. Forever 21 gold hoops: $2.80
2. Benefit "They're Real!" Mascara: $23
3. black and gold tiger iphone case: $8 "make an offer" on ebay

Happiness: only $33.80


taco garage!

it's a tortilla factory that also makes tacos and lets you eat them in their garage.

anytime you want to go, i'm there.

bring tecate and cash.


ellen and i were drinking beers on the roof and decided to go to philly.  


meaning it

“We thanked each other. It was customary after every exchange. Our thanks were never disingenuous or ironic. We said thanks for getting this done so quickly, thanks for putting in so much effort. We had a meeting and when a meeting was over, we said thank you to the meeting makers for having made the meeting. Very rarely did we say anything negative or derogatory about meetings. We all knew there was a good deal of pointlessness to nearly all the meetings and in fact one meeting out of every three or four was nearly perfectly without gain or purpose but many meetings revealed the one thing that was necessary and so we attended them and afterward we thanked each other.”

― Joshua Ferris, Then We Came to the End

The first person plural in this book fits so well with ad agency culture. We work in teams. The best thing we can be is "on the same page." We all find purpose in even the most thoughtless work, probably because we are in it together.


this mystery carnival

A carnival poped up with no explanation on Saturday. Gone Sunday.
South Williamsburg.


this roadside crawfish boil

we found a mobile crawfish boil a few blocks from Jon's house on his birthday.

also: i miss porches! 


sunday at the mall

living in new york makes you miss even the things you hate like seeing kids and malls and parking.